This may be a question which arises in the head of a visitor from time to time. It is something that I have thought about from time to time.
We are not promoting internationalism in the sense of global governance. Otherwise our title would be an oxymoron. Merely, I am suggesting to the WORLD that they promote the interests of which ever nation they belong to.
It is also good to see what input people have from around the world. In all honesty, I am not sure of how many people visit this blog. I haven't received much contact, so how much of an alliance is this really? Basically I bought shoes bigger than my feet, hoping that my feet would grow. I was hoping that this would become an actual alliance of people around the world. A format for people to promote nationalism of their own country in one place.
Also, friendship of nations is not contrary to the ideal of nationalism. It is just when a group like the UN forms and rids nations of power and sovereignty. We wish to seek friendship around the world. Imperialism is contrary to nationalism. When boarders expand to locations in several parts of the world, an empire forms. This is not a nation. It is a reach for global control, and we have to stand in opposition to this.
It is funny that people wish to replace empires with a global empire. We wish to replace this with solid nations and actual borders. Only this can be the answer to imperialism, and we are not the first to acknowledge this. Whether people wish to realize it or not, nationalism has not had a very solid existence. The tendency toward imperialism has existed almost as long as nations have. We wish to abolish this and move toward a more well-defined nationalism which keeps its hands off of the land of others.
May nationalism arise wherever you may live!
The World National Socialist Alliance
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Marxist Materialism
When people who focus on politics engage with people who mostly focus on science, confusion arises.
Marxist materialism is not the same as the scientific postulation of materialism. Marxism says that every problem in society can be explained by the lack of material goods in that instance. Scientific materialism states that all that exists is matter. While someone can be both, one isn't always coupled with the other. Being the former usually does include the latter. However, the latter doesn't always include the former.
I can be a scientific materialist yet I can see that humans are much more than the material that they can produce as a worker. I could also say that I am only composed of matter, but the sum total of the parts produces something much greater than the parts when not arranged in such a fashion. I don't know if such a thing introduces a new form of materialism or not.
When someone brings up being a materialist, or a discussion on the topic arises, make sure terms are defined before continuing on into the discussion. As National Socialists, we are not materialists in the Marxist sense. There are elements such as culture which play an important part to society and not just the material goods which are available. However, I will not state a stance as far as scientific materialism is concerned. As far as I am concerned, there can be multiple opinions and debate on that issue.
We are only against Marxist materialism as far as this webpage is concerned. Hopefully this was able to get rid of some of the confusion that occasionally arises when bringing up this subject.
Marxist materialism is not the same as the scientific postulation of materialism. Marxism says that every problem in society can be explained by the lack of material goods in that instance. Scientific materialism states that all that exists is matter. While someone can be both, one isn't always coupled with the other. Being the former usually does include the latter. However, the latter doesn't always include the former.
I can be a scientific materialist yet I can see that humans are much more than the material that they can produce as a worker. I could also say that I am only composed of matter, but the sum total of the parts produces something much greater than the parts when not arranged in such a fashion. I don't know if such a thing introduces a new form of materialism or not.
When someone brings up being a materialist, or a discussion on the topic arises, make sure terms are defined before continuing on into the discussion. As National Socialists, we are not materialists in the Marxist sense. There are elements such as culture which play an important part to society and not just the material goods which are available. However, I will not state a stance as far as scientific materialism is concerned. As far as I am concerned, there can be multiple opinions and debate on that issue.
We are only against Marxist materialism as far as this webpage is concerned. Hopefully this was able to get rid of some of the confusion that occasionally arises when bringing up this subject.
Friday, August 26, 2011
I'm a Lefty
This is true in both senses of the word. I am left handed, and my political ideology is very left oriented. The reactionary "Neo-Nazis" do not like someone to come out saying that National Socialism was and always will be a left-wing movement. My favorite way that they choose to dance around this is by saying that "National Socialist just means that we are RACIST! Fuck you niggers!!!"
These trash don't deserve to use the name National Socialist, because they do not even have enough sense that it means just what it says. It is Socialism in the context of Nationalism instead of International Socialism (Marxism). This is especially true in the earlier days of the NSDAP when the SA would back the labor unions who were going on strike.
Disinformation was fed to the Hitler by Heinrich Himmler in order to purge the left wing from the party. It was alleged that Ernst Rohm had a plot to assassinate Hitler. The evidence was completely fabricated in order to kill people such as Ernst Rohm and Gregor Strasser. Since Otto Strasser was in exile, he survived the purges. I cannot be happy enough that they were not able to purge him, because out of this came the opportunity for him to write many things.
This is not to trash Adolf Hitler, because some things which he did can be utilized as well. However, to say that he made no mistakes and did not make compromises is a far cry from reality. He truly thought that they were trying to murder him. Whether he should have known better or not is anyone's guess.
If I don't worship Hitler, these drunk scumbags run their mouths constantly. I've been called everything in the book for commending Ernst Rohm in liberating the people by use of the SA (storm troopers). So what if he was a homosexual? What does orientation have to do with our economic policy? While I generally support the family unit, forcing someone into this structure who has no feeling for women would be outright stupidity.
Socialism is what is becoming popular among different workers who are tired of being pushed around. They wish for things to come which will liberate the workers, and they should. People form the right wing generally want to "bring back the constitution". The constitution is what brought us into this mess in the first place. If it were a more solid foundation, this country would not have rotted to the core so suddenly. The right wishes to bring things back to the way they were, rather than implementing what is essential to progress. We need to reach out to the left first and foremost.
If we can promote the same ideas using different wording, then we can win many of them over to our cause. The problem is that the Internationalist Socialists are at the forefront of supporting the causes of the workers. We need to show our support to the workers in order to gain support for our cause in turn. National Socialism is meant to be a liberating tool for the workers, and it should always be used as such.
Hail America!
These trash don't deserve to use the name National Socialist, because they do not even have enough sense that it means just what it says. It is Socialism in the context of Nationalism instead of International Socialism (Marxism). This is especially true in the earlier days of the NSDAP when the SA would back the labor unions who were going on strike.
Disinformation was fed to the Hitler by Heinrich Himmler in order to purge the left wing from the party. It was alleged that Ernst Rohm had a plot to assassinate Hitler. The evidence was completely fabricated in order to kill people such as Ernst Rohm and Gregor Strasser. Since Otto Strasser was in exile, he survived the purges. I cannot be happy enough that they were not able to purge him, because out of this came the opportunity for him to write many things.
This is not to trash Adolf Hitler, because some things which he did can be utilized as well. However, to say that he made no mistakes and did not make compromises is a far cry from reality. He truly thought that they were trying to murder him. Whether he should have known better or not is anyone's guess.
If I don't worship Hitler, these drunk scumbags run their mouths constantly. I've been called everything in the book for commending Ernst Rohm in liberating the people by use of the SA (storm troopers). So what if he was a homosexual? What does orientation have to do with our economic policy? While I generally support the family unit, forcing someone into this structure who has no feeling for women would be outright stupidity.
Socialism is what is becoming popular among different workers who are tired of being pushed around. They wish for things to come which will liberate the workers, and they should. People form the right wing generally want to "bring back the constitution". The constitution is what brought us into this mess in the first place. If it were a more solid foundation, this country would not have rotted to the core so suddenly. The right wishes to bring things back to the way they were, rather than implementing what is essential to progress. We need to reach out to the left first and foremost.
If we can promote the same ideas using different wording, then we can win many of them over to our cause. The problem is that the Internationalist Socialists are at the forefront of supporting the causes of the workers. We need to show our support to the workers in order to gain support for our cause in turn. National Socialism is meant to be a liberating tool for the workers, and it should always be used as such.
Hail America!
Capitalism: A Love Story
I have mixed feelings about the film which I just finished watching. It was full of much relevant information about how Wall Street controls society only for a profit motive. The biggest problem which I saw is that an Internationalist type of Socialism was proposed as the solution for these problems.
This is what I mean when I say Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. Capitalism has a desire to globalize our economy for the benefit of the wealthy. Communism also wants a globalized world where the entire globe comes under the control of one body.
Both systems are proponents (whether in a forthright manner or not.) of a New World Order which involves the dissolving of nation states as we know them. This is the logical conclusion for the profit-based system of Capitalism, whether its proponents are nationalist or not.
Therefore, National Socialism is the only solution. By having socialism within a nationalist and patriotic sense, we put our nation's interests above anyone else's.
Another problem with the film is that it put Obama and Roosevelt in a positive light, when in reality these people were agents for the same bankers which control society today. It appeared that Obama was to be criticized in the film when it showed that Goldman Sachs was his top contributor. It then went into a game suggesting that the bankers tried to buy him off, but it didn't succeed. This was as if Obama stuck to his promises and did not give in to this crowd. These people ignore Obama's bailout which came not too long after he entered office. Not to mention his violation of the liberties of "terrorists" held in Guantanamo Bay.
The credits begin with the Marxist anthem call "the Internationale" which is a communist and globalist song. However, the film is filled with good critiques of capitalism if one knows how to weed out the bad things interlaced with the good stuff.
This is what I mean when I say Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. Capitalism has a desire to globalize our economy for the benefit of the wealthy. Communism also wants a globalized world where the entire globe comes under the control of one body.
Both systems are proponents (whether in a forthright manner or not.) of a New World Order which involves the dissolving of nation states as we know them. This is the logical conclusion for the profit-based system of Capitalism, whether its proponents are nationalist or not.
Therefore, National Socialism is the only solution. By having socialism within a nationalist and patriotic sense, we put our nation's interests above anyone else's.
Another problem with the film is that it put Obama and Roosevelt in a positive light, when in reality these people were agents for the same bankers which control society today. It appeared that Obama was to be criticized in the film when it showed that Goldman Sachs was his top contributor. It then went into a game suggesting that the bankers tried to buy him off, but it didn't succeed. This was as if Obama stuck to his promises and did not give in to this crowd. These people ignore Obama's bailout which came not too long after he entered office. Not to mention his violation of the liberties of "terrorists" held in Guantanamo Bay.
The credits begin with the Marxist anthem call "the Internationale" which is a communist and globalist song. However, the film is filled with good critiques of capitalism if one knows how to weed out the bad things interlaced with the good stuff.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
National Socialism and Syndicalism
I've wanted to integrate these two ideas together for a while now, because both have shown remarkable success where they have been utilized. I did not know how a certain aspect would be handled until tonight when the answer dawned on me. It was the issue of integrating syndicalism and nationalization of major industries at the same exact time. The answer was obvious, yet I've been thinking too hard.
Quite simply the workers need to make all of the decisions possible at the factory level. The state can periodically send in a representative for that particular industry to suggest changes which had not been thought about by the cooperative. I would like to be informed how Venezuela integrates nationalization and syndicalization at the same time, because they do both of these things. Sadly, not much information is available regarding this (at least in English).
We are champions of the lower and middle classes in that we wish to improve their condition. For the nation as a whole to be healthy, its citizens need to have improved living conditions. By instituting cooperatives, the people have more pride in their work place, because they can become involved in the decision making process.
The nation being top-down and bottom-up at the same time will utilize the best from both worlds to make a significantly improved nation. The Third Position has always been about utilizing what works from both sides, and I wish to continue that into our modern era.
Quite simply the workers need to make all of the decisions possible at the factory level. The state can periodically send in a representative for that particular industry to suggest changes which had not been thought about by the cooperative. I would like to be informed how Venezuela integrates nationalization and syndicalization at the same time, because they do both of these things. Sadly, not much information is available regarding this (at least in English).
We are champions of the lower and middle classes in that we wish to improve their condition. For the nation as a whole to be healthy, its citizens need to have improved living conditions. By instituting cooperatives, the people have more pride in their work place, because they can become involved in the decision making process.
The nation being top-down and bottom-up at the same time will utilize the best from both worlds to make a significantly improved nation. The Third Position has always been about utilizing what works from both sides, and I wish to continue that into our modern era.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Back After Long Break
I'm back after a long break and a lot of consideration on core issues. I still maintain the idea of a multi-racial National Socialist ideology with some left wing components. Someone trapped me on the idea of incorporating monarchy into the idea until I realized the stupidity of what I was falling into. National Socialism never had the idea of a hereditary empire. This is obvious due to the fact that Hitler had no plans to have any kids, and that the list of successors were not even partially related to him.
What has changed is that I see National Socialism to not just be leftist. Thenwhole point was to take elements from both the left and right to compose an ideology which was "beyond left and right". We take Nationalism from the right and Socialism from the left, which forms out Nationalist Socialism.
I am open to integrating various ideas from different 3rd position groups in order to make the best type of society possible. The integration of National Syndicalism appears very favorable in order to give workers more control over their work place. The state would intervene when decisions could not be made by the syndicalist union. This would only apply to factory and large scale work places. Local businesses would remain virtually untouched because they are too small to need a large group of organization. A sort of free market would be left in tact, whereas in communism this would not take place.
Hitler was tricked into thinking that the more leftist side of the party (Ernst Rohm, the Strasser brothers, etc) was out to kill him, and this led to their execution. Years later Hitler admitted that such was a mistake. We stand behind these early leftists because without them the party would never have been nearly as successful. They were behind a lot of the early organization and battles which had to take place to gain such noteriety. We know you are in Valhalla, Mr. Rohm and the Strasser brothers. Thank you for National Socialism, and hopefully you guys and the Fuhrer have come to an understanding on the other side.
They surely march in spirit with us and urge us on in America to gain the National Socialist state.
Heil America!
Michael Hutchinson
What has changed is that I see National Socialism to not just be leftist. Thenwhole point was to take elements from both the left and right to compose an ideology which was "beyond left and right". We take Nationalism from the right and Socialism from the left, which forms out Nationalist Socialism.
I am open to integrating various ideas from different 3rd position groups in order to make the best type of society possible. The integration of National Syndicalism appears very favorable in order to give workers more control over their work place. The state would intervene when decisions could not be made by the syndicalist union. This would only apply to factory and large scale work places. Local businesses would remain virtually untouched because they are too small to need a large group of organization. A sort of free market would be left in tact, whereas in communism this would not take place.
Hitler was tricked into thinking that the more leftist side of the party (Ernst Rohm, the Strasser brothers, etc) was out to kill him, and this led to their execution. Years later Hitler admitted that such was a mistake. We stand behind these early leftists because without them the party would never have been nearly as successful. They were behind a lot of the early organization and battles which had to take place to gain such noteriety. We know you are in Valhalla, Mr. Rohm and the Strasser brothers. Thank you for National Socialism, and hopefully you guys and the Fuhrer have come to an understanding on the other side.
They surely march in spirit with us and urge us on in America to gain the National Socialist state.
Heil America!
Michael Hutchinson
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Aryanism Website
There are many nuggets of wisdom to find at
It shows us that Aryanism is the most noble teachings that all Gentiles have wedged somewhere within their cultures. It is not a racial ideology, which is why I like the site. The site expresses many things of value.
The errors that I see are probably honest mistakes. They tried to make Fascism out to not be a National Socialist ideology. We have to be honest and see that many of Hitler's ideas came from Benito Mussolini.
Although the systems were not exactly the same, I would dare to say that the political platforms of both would lead to the same type of society evolving out of them.
However, I will not divide with others who are honestly confused.
One other problem I found are occasional quotes from people such as George Lincoln Rockwell and Savitri Devi who were staunch racialists. I can understand the quoting of them to an extent though, because the quotes given are generally relevant to the articles. I just wish that they would say something like, "They put such and such in a good way, but we do not agree with their ideology". Then I would have no ability to make a sincere complaint about it.
Please check out despite some of the set backs. There is good wisdom to be found there in many places on the website.
**The World National Socialist Alliance as a general rule does not advocate ALL material on a suggested website. Websites will be pointed to if they have any relevance at all on particular points of the website. Do not send complaints with the assumption that the entirety of a website is being promoted. All genuine comments and concerns can be sent to**
It shows us that Aryanism is the most noble teachings that all Gentiles have wedged somewhere within their cultures. It is not a racial ideology, which is why I like the site. The site expresses many things of value.
The errors that I see are probably honest mistakes. They tried to make Fascism out to not be a National Socialist ideology. We have to be honest and see that many of Hitler's ideas came from Benito Mussolini.
Although the systems were not exactly the same, I would dare to say that the political platforms of both would lead to the same type of society evolving out of them.
However, I will not divide with others who are honestly confused.
One other problem I found are occasional quotes from people such as George Lincoln Rockwell and Savitri Devi who were staunch racialists. I can understand the quoting of them to an extent though, because the quotes given are generally relevant to the articles. I just wish that they would say something like, "They put such and such in a good way, but we do not agree with their ideology". Then I would have no ability to make a sincere complaint about it.
Please check out despite some of the set backs. There is good wisdom to be found there in many places on the website.
**The World National Socialist Alliance as a general rule does not advocate ALL material on a suggested website. Websites will be pointed to if they have any relevance at all on particular points of the website. Do not send complaints with the assumption that the entirety of a website is being promoted. All genuine comments and concerns can be sent to**
Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A Triumph for Diversity?
Since the site forbids me from reproducing the article here, I will only give it a short introduction and then provide the link to the material.
Veronica Clark (author of Black Nazis!) wrote this article for
People are ignorant that the SS was a very multicultural Army. It was the most multicultural in the world at the time. Yet, people call Hitler a racist all the time. I ask for people to only research for yourself.
It was the work of Heinrich Himmler that resulted in racial policies in the Third Reich. Without further delay, I give you the link to the article.
Veronica Clark (author of Black Nazis!) wrote this article for
People are ignorant that the SS was a very multicultural Army. It was the most multicultural in the world at the time. Yet, people call Hitler a racist all the time. I ask for people to only research for yourself.
It was the work of Heinrich Himmler that resulted in racial policies in the Third Reich. Without further delay, I give you the link to the article.
Stalin Revision
(retrieved from cache)
I truly believe that Stalin was trying to make Russia nationalist rather than internationalist. There are many things that he did which we can disagree with, but it is apparent that especially toward the end of his life, he grew a strong hatred for Jews.
He saw them as nothing but spies who damaged the country.
There is some text from a video that I wrote down to quote here. I refuse to give the link to the video due to some very incorrect statements in it, and very Anti-Nationalist stupidity.
However, even from the most ridiculous people, some truth comes forward. I wish to quote from the text in the video to show Stalin in a more positive light:
"Stalin was not a mass killer
The borders of Ukraine were not even the same in 1926 and 1939.
The Kuban Cossaks, between 2 and 3 million people, were registered
as Ukranian in 1926, but were reclassified as Russian by the end of the
This new classification explains by itself 25 to 40 percent of the 'victims
of the famine-genocide' calculated by Dudhnyck--Mace.
During the years 1930--1935, the Soviet Union was short of labor,
especially in newly developed regions. The regime tried to use all
available forces. It is difficult to see why it would have 'killed' men who
had been working the land.
Nevertheless, estimates state that the 100,000 heads of family of the
first category, sent to the Gulag system, had been killed.
But the Party only placed 63,000 kulaks in the first category, and only
those guilty of terrorist and counter-revolutionary acts were executed!
The 100,000 stat was a lie.
Under the NEP, Kulaks and other private producers controlled over half
of the food supply (mainly wheat). The Kulaks didn't cooperate with the
state. The Kulaks even raised prices.
Therefore, Kulaks were responsible for the Holodomor. However, the deaths
of it are *exaggerated* and blamed on Stalin by Stalin's opponents. Only a
few thousand actually died, and their deaths were the Kulaks' fault.
Stalin ended the Ukranian famines with his collectivization of the agriculture."
These facts can be independently verified. I am always trying to encourage people to do their own research, and this is an issue that I will entrust you to do just that.
I truly believe that Stalin was trying to make Russia nationalist rather than internationalist. There are many things that he did which we can disagree with, but it is apparent that especially toward the end of his life, he grew a strong hatred for Jews.
He saw them as nothing but spies who damaged the country.
There is some text from a video that I wrote down to quote here. I refuse to give the link to the video due to some very incorrect statements in it, and very Anti-Nationalist stupidity.
However, even from the most ridiculous people, some truth comes forward. I wish to quote from the text in the video to show Stalin in a more positive light:
"Stalin was not a mass killer
The borders of Ukraine were not even the same in 1926 and 1939.
The Kuban Cossaks, between 2 and 3 million people, were registered
as Ukranian in 1926, but were reclassified as Russian by the end of the
This new classification explains by itself 25 to 40 percent of the 'victims
of the famine-genocide' calculated by Dudhnyck--Mace.
During the years 1930--1935, the Soviet Union was short of labor,
especially in newly developed regions. The regime tried to use all
available forces. It is difficult to see why it would have 'killed' men who
had been working the land.
Nevertheless, estimates state that the 100,000 heads of family of the
first category, sent to the Gulag system, had been killed.
But the Party only placed 63,000 kulaks in the first category, and only
those guilty of terrorist and counter-revolutionary acts were executed!
The 100,000 stat was a lie.
Under the NEP, Kulaks and other private producers controlled over half
of the food supply (mainly wheat). The Kulaks didn't cooperate with the
state. The Kulaks even raised prices.
Therefore, Kulaks were responsible for the Holodomor. However, the deaths
of it are *exaggerated* and blamed on Stalin by Stalin's opponents. Only a
few thousand actually died, and their deaths were the Kulaks' fault.
Stalin ended the Ukranian famines with his collectivization of the agriculture."
These facts can be independently verified. I am always trying to encourage people to do their own research, and this is an issue that I will entrust you to do just that.
Maoist Revision?
I have noticed one particular trend that Maoism introduced. It was that of Nationalist "communism" (if you would call it that) rather than the internationalist brand suggested by Karl Marx himself.
I have not had time to research it more in depth because I've been swamped with other research issues.
I would be interested to find out if it was ultimately a brand of National Socialist for China.
Those who would point out what modern China is doing neglect to acknowledge that modern China has drifted from Mao's ideas quite a bit.
It would be very interesting if someone could either confirm or disprove my suspicions. Many other "communist" nations that I have examined turned out to be much more Nationalist than communism could ever be.
I will cover these in a later article.
I have not had time to research it more in depth because I've been swamped with other research issues.
I would be interested to find out if it was ultimately a brand of National Socialist for China.
Those who would point out what modern China is doing neglect to acknowledge that modern China has drifted from Mao's ideas quite a bit.
It would be very interesting if someone could either confirm or disprove my suspicions. Many other "communist" nations that I have examined turned out to be much more Nationalist than communism could ever be.
I will cover these in a later article.
Funny Picture from Stalin's Days
(retrieved from cache)

This image is from a former Soviet newspaper called Pravda. It followed the exile of the Jew, Leon Trotsky, from Russia (who was later ordered to be killed by Stalin in Mexico).
According to some sources, this was a moment of uprising in criticism of Jews at the time.
It is true that Stalin publicly said that Anti-Semitism was a crime in Soviet Russia. However, multiple people reported private statements from him that were hugely Anti Jew.
The numerous purges of Jews in Russia under Stalin should be a testament to this fact.
Stalin tried to rid the last bit of power from the Jews, but died before being able to do so.
May we continue Stalin's fight against the Jew demons.

This image is from a former Soviet newspaper called Pravda. It followed the exile of the Jew, Leon Trotsky, from Russia (who was later ordered to be killed by Stalin in Mexico).
According to some sources, this was a moment of uprising in criticism of Jews at the time.
It is true that Stalin publicly said that Anti-Semitism was a crime in Soviet Russia. However, multiple people reported private statements from him that were hugely Anti Jew.
The numerous purges of Jews in Russia under Stalin should be a testament to this fact.
Stalin tried to rid the last bit of power from the Jews, but died before being able to do so.
May we continue Stalin's fight against the Jew demons.
Hitler Was Not on the Far Right
(retrieved from cache)
I would like any evidence that Hitler was on the far right of the political scale.
As National SOCIALISTS we are not for decentralized government. We want a strongly centralized government that is truly unified.
This is not to say that the modern Leftist movement is correct by any means.
We do not support the modern trends taking place in our society. My point is that the Left is a REVOLUTIONARY society. It never wants to stay stuck in one particular point in time.
This idea can be used for the good, for the okay, and for the bad.
National Socialist Germany DID want free Healthcare for its citizens. This wasn't to screw them over like our government wants to.
This isn't a game of taking the exact opposite position on everything that the current government is doing. Sometimes it is taking some of the same positions, but using them for the good.
For example, evolution is a fact. That is a position. The current World Order takes that position to use it against people by creating new strands of viruses.
We could use that same position to an end that would help people.
Gentile power and unity!
I would like any evidence that Hitler was on the far right of the political scale.
As National SOCIALISTS we are not for decentralized government. We want a strongly centralized government that is truly unified.
This is not to say that the modern Leftist movement is correct by any means.
We do not support the modern trends taking place in our society. My point is that the Left is a REVOLUTIONARY society. It never wants to stay stuck in one particular point in time.
This idea can be used for the good, for the okay, and for the bad.
National Socialist Germany DID want free Healthcare for its citizens. This wasn't to screw them over like our government wants to.
This isn't a game of taking the exact opposite position on everything that the current government is doing. Sometimes it is taking some of the same positions, but using them for the good.
For example, evolution is a fact. That is a position. The current World Order takes that position to use it against people by creating new strands of viruses.
We could use that same position to an end that would help people.
Gentile power and unity!
The Soviet Union wasn't "against Nazis"
The following video will show you the truth about the issue. Although the comrade who made this video has some obvious racial agenda due to the video description, I will credit this to him since he obviously spent the time to research it.
Polish Your Language Comrade
(retrieved from cache)
What we say in private is indeed our business and no one else needs to butt in. They do have the ability to not associate with you, after all.
However, we are in an era that presentation is key.
We have many that shout curse words all over their radio shows. From time to time, I've been guilty of the same thing.
I am willing to step up and use more eloquent language to use logic to bring people over to our side. Are you willing to do the same?
What would Hitler say to you if he saw you representing him in such a manner? He only used curse words in private, and NEVER used them in front of ladies.
National Socialism has no place for those who can't admit when they've done wrong. I've admitted my mistake in the matter, and I ask that you do the same.
Today these curse words are plastered, with the other garbage, all over television.
Ad Hominem attacks also have no place in trying to encourage other gentiles to the truth.
Imagine yourself trying to calmly explain the fundamentals of National Socialism with nothing but logic, then a troll comes along and only tries to call you names rather than addressing your points. We must avoid doing the same thing to them. If they have legitimate questions or concerns, try your best to answer them. If they are there to cause trouble from the start, they will probably never be convinced. It is best to leave the conversation at that point.
Must the noble gentiles fall in the trappings of sickly language?
Indeed, we must at least try to refrain from such a thing.
When an idea is shared in a pure manner, it will oft times be made manifest to the outside world in a way that it beyond remarkable.
Most of the time this will not be the case. However, we could increase the small number of people coming in by quite a bit if we present ourselves professionally.
Shouting "Sieg Heil!" (which by the way is not English!) in the streets is not a way to bring people over.
Try actually sharing with people what our actual positions are.
May this movement shine forth in the glory of the rising sun which gives its light that all may live.
What we say in private is indeed our business and no one else needs to butt in. They do have the ability to not associate with you, after all.
However, we are in an era that presentation is key.
We have many that shout curse words all over their radio shows. From time to time, I've been guilty of the same thing.
I am willing to step up and use more eloquent language to use logic to bring people over to our side. Are you willing to do the same?
What would Hitler say to you if he saw you representing him in such a manner? He only used curse words in private, and NEVER used them in front of ladies.
National Socialism has no place for those who can't admit when they've done wrong. I've admitted my mistake in the matter, and I ask that you do the same.
Today these curse words are plastered, with the other garbage, all over television.
Ad Hominem attacks also have no place in trying to encourage other gentiles to the truth.
Imagine yourself trying to calmly explain the fundamentals of National Socialism with nothing but logic, then a troll comes along and only tries to call you names rather than addressing your points. We must avoid doing the same thing to them. If they have legitimate questions or concerns, try your best to answer them. If they are there to cause trouble from the start, they will probably never be convinced. It is best to leave the conversation at that point.
Must the noble gentiles fall in the trappings of sickly language?
Indeed, we must at least try to refrain from such a thing.
When an idea is shared in a pure manner, it will oft times be made manifest to the outside world in a way that it beyond remarkable.
Most of the time this will not be the case. However, we could increase the small number of people coming in by quite a bit if we present ourselves professionally.
Shouting "Sieg Heil!" (which by the way is not English!) in the streets is not a way to bring people over.
Try actually sharing with people what our actual positions are.
May this movement shine forth in the glory of the rising sun which gives its light that all may live.
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